Delegation Poker is a group-based discussion and negotiation technique for areas of responsibility between a manager and his team. Originally conceived by Jurgen Appelo, we've changed and adapted it.
But why „group-based“?
The anchor phenomenom makes it difficult to get real, individual assessments in group-based discussions. The anchor problem means, that the assessments by all discussion participants are subconsciously biased to the assessment of the first one, who initially explains his opinion (anchor). To avoid this effect, everybody has to make his individual decission secretly before sharing it with the other group members. This is exactly what planning poker cards are for.
Just follow these simple and clear steps to successfully play Delegation Poker. It is best to stick strictly to it at the beginning and only change things if you really understand the system.
Recommendation: Set a timebox for each estimation round (e.g. 5 minutes). When the time runs out, you can decide with the team to invest another 5 minutes or to continue.
If you like our delegation poker cards, please send us a message to order the cards. We will take care of it as soon as possible! In the meantime, take a look at our other card sets as well. We are always happy to receive feedback, so don't hesitate to let us know your opinion.